Minority Mental Health Awareness Month - Access Health CT openEnroll_start=10/29/2024
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Help Access Health CT shine the spotlight on National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month!

Fireworks, barbeques and hearty laughs with family and friends—As Americans, those are the images that come to mind when we think of the month of July. But did you know that July is also National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month? In 2008, Congress voted to dedicate the month of July to highlighting the specific mental health challenges faced by the racial and ethnic minority communities in this country.

But isn’t mental health important for everyone?

Yes, everyone’s mental health is important. But research shows that social determinants, such as race and ethnicity, play a significant part in how healthcare is affected and accessed by people. This rings even truer for mental healthcare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, racial and ethnic minorities often face more hurdles in accessing the mental health support they need. In fact, some racial and ethnic minority groups have experienced even higher rates of mental health conditions since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How is Access Health CT helping?

Access to healthcare is important. In fact, aside from being a part of our name, equitable access to health coverage is a core mission for Access Health CT (AHCT). As an organization, we recognize how change requires human connection, and we seek to address the specific challenges faced by minority communities—from cultural stigmas to limited access to overall healthcare—by working directly in the communities most affected by these issues.

Which is why, this July, we are inviting you to celebrate National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month with us: Help shine a light on mental health disparities and encourage your friends and loved ones to take care of themselves.

How can you help?

#AHCTmindovermatter. We are asking you to share your best tips on how you keep your mental health in-check. In the month of July, we encourage you to post your mental health tips using the suggested hashtags below to our social network channels.

  1. Take care of your physical health—Exercise, eat healthy, hydrate, sleep well and repeat: #takecareofyourself
  2. Set goals and priorities—Set healthy boundaries and learn to say no: #prioritizeyourself
  3. Remind yourself of the things you’re grateful for—Be mindful of what you did do instead of focusing on what you didn’t: #complimentyourself
  4. Don’t isolate yourself from your community. Find your support system and stay connected: #supportyourself

Do you have more tips to add to our list? Think about what you do to calm yourself when you feel anxiety building up. Do you have a hobby or another favorite relaxing activity that helps you center yourself? Share your photos, quotes, routines or hobbies! Use any of the hashtags above and/or the hashtag #AHCTmindovermatter to share your tips with the AHCT community.

Still have questions? All help is free.

Whether you have questions about the mental health resources available through your coverage or how to access your enrollment benefits, you can call the appropriate phone number below. For other questions, the Access Health CT team is also ready and available to help. Remember, all help is free.

Qualified Health Plans (QHPs)

  • For questions about your plan with Anthem, call: 1-855-738-6644
  • For questions about your plan with ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc., call: 1-800-251-7722
  • For questions about your plan with ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc., call: 1-800-251-7722

HUSKY Health

  • For questions about your HUSKY Health coverage (Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)), call: 1-800-859-9889

Access Health CT