7 Things HUSKY Health Clients Should Know - Access Health CT openEnroll_start=10/29/2024
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The Connecticut Department of Social Services will be evaluating Medicaid clients for eligibility starting March 2023

Before the pandemic, HUSKY Health (Connecticut’s Medicaid Program) clients had to meet eligibility requirements in order to keep their healthcare coverage. During the pandemic the termination process was paused, which means many Medicaid customers were able to keep their insurance even if they no longer qualified based on their income. Starting in March 2023, HUSKY A, B and D clients will be reviewed for eligibility on a monthly basis. But don’t worry, if you’re a HUSKY Health client who needs to take any action, you will be informed about how to complete your renewal and stay covered. That could mean staying on HUSKY Health if you continue to qualify, or it could mean choosing a new, no- or low-cost health coverage option, such as the Covered Connecticut Program or a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) from Access Health CT (AHCT).
Here is what you need to know:

1. Not everyone will be reviewed for eligibility all at once.

    • The process of reviewing customer eligibility is called “redetermination.” And it will take place over 12 months. You will receive a letter in the mail when you are being evaluated for eligibility. You should wait until you receive your notice to process your renewal.
2. You can do something to help right now by updating your household information.

    • To make sure you get your letters in the mail, and more importantly to avoid a surprise bill at the doctor’s office, pharmacy or anywhere you receive healthcare, it is important to take action now. Make sure your contact information is up to date. This includes making any updates to your household size and income to the Department of Social Services (DSS) or AHCT. Here is how you can update your household information: