Resources for Lawfully Present Immigrants - Access Health CT openEnroll_start=10/29/2024
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At Access Health CT, our goal is to bridge the gap in health disparities and make healthcare more accessible to more people. This may include some immigrants in the United States. If you are lawfully present in the United States and are a resident of Connecticut, you may qualify to enroll in a health and/or dental insurance plan through Access Health CT. Lawfully present means that while you are not a citizen of the United States, you have the legal right to live in this country as a permanent resident or in another eligible immigration capacity.

Whether you qualify for enrollment outside of the annual Open Enrollment Period (which starts November 1) or you’d simply like to be prepared for the next Open Enrollment Period, having a checklist of the things you need to apply for health and/or dental coverage makes life easier. Below is an enrollment checklist to help you get started. Make sure to have the following information for yourself and anyone in your household applying for coverage:

  • Dates of Birth
  • Social Security numbers
  • Visa, Green Card or immigration documents
  • Most recent Form W-2 and/or Form 1040 or Form 1099
  • Current insurance coverage
  • Paystubs, Profit & Loss statements, or other employment information to confirm income for everyone in your tax household.

Still have questions?

Depending on your specific needs, including determining whether you are eligible for enrollment, the Access Health CT team is ready and available to help. Remember, all help is free.

NOTE: These locations are open year-round. Office hours vary by location. Appointments are encouraged; please call the location before you visit.

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